Taste Istres

With so many restaurants in Istres, you can find all culinary choices here, including local and Provençal specialities. The different options include Asian, traditional, Spanish, Italian and Moroccan restaurants... There’s something for everyone. The fine dining restaurant, number 7, also welcomes you in the centre of Istres.
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Food truck Mediterranean cuisine Italian cuisine Pizzeria
+33 6 29 80 76 17
  • chiken_drive.jpg
Fast food
+33 4 90 58 60 46
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Mediterranean cuisine Italian cuisine Pizzeria
+33 6 34 21 03 95
  • specialites_du_restaurant.jpg
Asian cuisine Foreign specialities
+33 7 81 98 18 52
  • photo-vide-3
Food truck North-American cuisine Fast food
+33 6 62 49 25 67
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  • hamburguer.jpg
  • salle.jpg
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Traditional French cooking Brasserie
+33 4 42 56 32 57
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Crêperie Restaurants
+33 4 42 55 03 88 Website
  • 13REST003047_1_WEB.jpg
Mediterranean cuisine Italian cuisine Pizzeria
+33 7 62 45 60 71
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Food truck Pizzeria
+33 6 32 37 00 91
  • 13REST001490_1_WEB.jpg
Fast food
+33 4 42 56 99 19