Brewery & Fast Food

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Traditional French cooking Brasserie Fast food Restaurants
+33 4 42 11 15 12
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Mediterranean cuisine Italian cuisine Brasserie Foreign specialities
+33 4 42 55 68 89
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Mediterranean cuisine Brasserie
+33 442484649 Website
  • Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
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Traditional French cooking Brasserie
+33 4 42 56 14 33 Website
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Brasserie Fast food Fast food
+33 6 87 07 76 19 Website
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  • hamburguer.jpg
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Traditional French cooking Brasserie
+33 4 42 56 32 57
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Brasserie Traditional cooking
+33 4 90 45 57 33 Website
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Traditional French cooking Mediterranean cuisine Brasserie Traditional cooking
+33 4 90 45 15 66 Website
  • Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
  • Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs
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Traditional French cooking Brasserie Traditional cooking Crêperie
+33 9 67 07 26 34 Website
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Traditional French cooking Brasserie Fast food
+33 4 42 55 68 76